Jesus died for them too

When we experience the love of God…

When the great transformation takes place…

The way we see others changes.

Everywhere we go, people judge others on how they look or speak or dress. What job they have or where they live…

We can all be superficial.

But we need to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and see people with different eyes.

We need a new perspective.

The person next to you is so valuable that Christ died for them.

The blood of Jesus was shed for that person.

Let’s learn to see others as people who Christ died for.

And find a new level of compassion for them.

When we draw near to God we realise everyone matters because they’re made by God.

And they are people who Christ died for.

You are important enough for Christ to come and die.

She is important enough for Christ to come and die.

This truth changes the way we see people.

The way we treat them.

The person we are angry with.

Hurt by.

Fed up by.

The person across the room from you is a blood-bought, beloved child of God.

Let’s pledge to think carefully before criticising people.

Because they matter.

They might be lost.

But so are we.

And that’s why he had to die for us all.

Our sin cost Christ his life.

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