You are more than enough in Christ

When James Bryan Smith releases a new book, it’s like Christmas for me.

For the next few days, I’d like to share with you some of my favourite parts of his latest work: The Good and Beautiful You.

I love the way he expresses his understanding of God – and people.

He writes:

[Unlike the atheist view, the Christian view is that] we are more than ‘a collection of atoms designed to disperse.’… we are divinely designed, intently pursued, and lavishly loved precious beings who are, in fact, intended.”

Smith goes on to encourage us with these words:

“You are perfectly, intricately designed by God and loved into existence. God designed you with marvelous capacities to think and feel and create, to love and be loved, and an unquenchable longing for the transcendent, for beauty, for goodness and truth. You were created to connect with God and to glorify God with your one, precious life.”

Allow that to sink in.

You are God’s intricate design.

Loved into existence by the creator of the universe.

Every gift you have is from Him.

Every good longing you have is from Him too.

Your desire to connect? That’s all God.

Your passion to glorify God? That’s Him too.

May you not lose your one, precious life in pursuit of validation from others.

May your life be marked by the unshakeable validation that comes from being a blood-bought child of God.

He is more than enough for you to feel ‘enough’.

Praying you’d know his love and delight deeply today and always.

In Christ,



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